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Wednesday, January 25, 2012



  1. I do not know how feeders work but I imagine they release food at different intervals? If all the different wildlife out there know where the food is located is there ever fights between them?

    I mean not of the same species like the above picture but say between a mountain lion and a bear?

    1. PS, we got 3.2 rain last night here, and about 3.5 gallons of lighting and thunder, the dogs were all in bed with us shivering till about the time I get up @ 4:00 am.
      There were tornados s/e of of, we were lucky I guess.

    2. MsB, I am going to try to take a photo of the feeder motor tomorrow, and post it, so you can get an idea of how it works. I have to install 2 new ones next time I'm out there, so, I have them already. The fox and Bobcat, both wait at the feeder to ambush rabbit's, etc, I have not caught a mountaqin lion yet, however, I have found deer carcas's close to camp, so I think they are hunting there as well. Anywhere you have water and feed, there will be a confrontaion in my opinion.

  2. Yes predators watch the feeder for an animal small enough to prey on, I will give a more detailed explanation this weekend if I can get rid of these danged auditors at work. I got home abot 8:45 last night and tonight, they don't seem to understand that I get to work at 6:00ish, when they get there at 9:00ish, they want me to stay till they are ready to leave for the day!
    Stay dry and warm.

  3. Thanks Suerte. No rush on the feeder motor, I know you are a busy man. Was just curious about the animal confrontations but as you mentioned where there is food and water there undoubtebly will be.
