Hi folks, just a minute to post, will try to again sooner than later.
Just a few from the Pecos river crossing area on Pandale road south of I10 in April.
My friend Jeff had never been on this road, so it turned out to be quite an adventure for both of us, more on that later.
We were there right after a flood, and were in for a surprise as we went south from Pandale.
The flood water was about 20 feet OVER that Pecos river bridge in the background.
Now, on south on Pandale road.
This was one of 2 very tricky to traverse obstacles.............more on that in the next post.
Hope you are all well, we have had some hiccups like everyone, more on that later too.
Take care, tell your family and friends how important they are to you, and thanks for stopping in, ps, don't take this road till you verify condition with County Sheriff, please.
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